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Restoration Research

Many of the species offered here are based on mesic grassland remnants and wet to dry restoration efforts with the goal of conserving the species found therein. Other species are those of conservation interest or are unavailable elsewhere based on decades of experience in a wide range of conservation efforts. The goal here is to be part of those efforts by attempting to address shortcomings. Below are some examples of research and case studies to that end.


Published articles can be found here

Remnant Species Composition

The first step in using restoration for conservation is knowing what is being lost and what is to be conserved . This study analyzes the composition of 17 mesic grassland remnants and 18 restorations from the Chicagoland area.

Published in Restoration Ecology: (2018) Multi-scale metrics differentiate among tallgrass prairie restorations and remnant ecosystems along a restorative continuum. Restoration Ecology 26: 466-475

Hennepin site plots map.gif

Re-creating Remnant Species Composition

This is an ongoing study of different species-rich (84 species) seed mixes planted in replicated 10 x 10 m plots. One seed mix is based on the above study of nine grassland remnants, resulting in remnant species composition

Manuscript in preparation

Dark Diversity

This study examines nine high-quality grassland remnants of the Chicago region. Analysis includes looking at properties of the most common species and the extent to which they are missing in restorations and seed mixes.

Published in Ecological Restoration: (2020) Dark Diversity in Restorations: What’s missing? Ecological Restoration 38:180-192

Competition of Clonal Species

This is an in-progress study of the spread and competition of common clonal species that spread at different rates. The study includes their ability to compete against and control the spread of Tall Goldenrod. Forty-two 3 x 3 meter plots each contain 6 clonal plants surrounding 1 Tall Goldenrod plant in the center. In addition, seventy-nine 1m sq plots have all pairs and individual plants with three replicates each to examine pair-wise competition. Clonal plants used are 6 different species in different combinations, including Andropogon gerardi (Big Bluestem), Potentilla simplex (Common Cinquefoil), Solidago juncea (Early Goldenrod), Euthamia gymnospermoides (Great Plains Goldenrod), Aster ericoides (Heath Aster), Carex meadii (Mead's Sedge), and Coreopsis palmata (Prairie Coreopsis).

Long-term Seed Enhancement at Fermilab

This is a 2020 resampling of 18 10x10m seed-enhancement plots with and without mowing established in 1993 at Fermilab, representing 25-year results.

Manuscript in preparation

Detention Basin Restoration

This is a case study of the management of storm-water detention basins. The village of Bradley, Illinois has an ordinance encouraging basin management using natural vegetation. It describes the potential of such areas to contribute to conservation at the level of an entire municipality.

Published in Natural Areas Journal (2018): A Landscape-Scale Approach to Maximizing Biodiversity through Nature-Based Plantings in Storm-Water Facilities within a Suburban Municipality. Natural Areas Journal, 38:419-423.

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