The title "Lithospermum et al." reflects two aspects of restoration.
First, species such as Lithospermum canescens (Hoary Puccoon), are very difficult to propagate and establish in restorations. It is also common in remnant mesic grasslands and the most common Lithospermum species. In addition, it is highly desirable because of its short stature and beautiful flowers. Second, "et al." is used in citations in scientific literature when more than two authors are cited. It means "and others" and here reflects the strong scientific basis for both species composition of restorations and propagation efforts. This site focuses on providing restoration materials that are desired by conservation professionals yet are difficult to obtain. Because of the difficulty in propagating some species, one years' advance may be required. Other species are also available.

Analysis of the species composition of grassland remnants (see research page) has shown that the clonal growth form is more common than non-clonal species. This may give them the ability to spread faster and be more competitive. Using clonal species may also result in more stable restorations with characteristics of remnants, such as shorter vegetation, higher diversity, and less dominance by warm-season grasses. Because of this, we focus more on clonal species common in remnants but do have other species.